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Top 3 Benefits of IT Outsourcing

By PCS | 2 November 2023

We’ve all heard the expression: Jack of all trades, Master of none. Technology companies strive to be the masters of a few niche branches within their sector, as no one can be an expert in every area—that’s where IT outsourcing comes in. It’s the process of entrusting your business with an outside service provider to offer help in one or a few specialized areas. By incorporating outsourcing, your business is extending the IT team through a third party. So, what would be the benefit of utilizing these services? We’re here to share some insight on that matter.

Why Use IT Outsourcing?

IT outsourcing is mainly used for one key area where a company feels they are either not well-versed or unable to dedicate the right amount of time to do it well. For example, cybersecurity is one of the most outsourced services since it ensures that the network is properly monitored at all times. This service is used even more often now as companies have pivoted to a remote working environment, and sensitive internal data is frequently exchanged through personal computers and devices rather than company-issued machines. 

In some instances, organizations have chosen to outsource to exchange knowledge with multi-functional experts who have expertise in other areas of technology, such as software, application development, or technical support. The reason for choosing to outsource and how long it will be utilized ranges from each organization and its individual needs. 

3 Advantages of IT Outsourcing

IT outsourcing carries three main benefits: 

  1. Expertise. Having the expertise and the ability to capture rare skills from a third party. IT Outsourcing allows your company to use a  group of individuals who are exclusively focused and specialized in one area. These laser-targeted skills allow them to complete a very specific task, exceptionally well.
  2. Core competencies. The ability to outsource focuses on certain core competencies, such as adaptability, creative problem-solving, or advanced technical skills provides you with the flexibility to focus on your business while someone else focuses on your IT needs and concerns.
  3. Scalability. IT Outsourcing provides flexibility and scalability. This gives you the flexibility to work with a company that can support your strategy and growth needs, in a way that doesn’t require redoing the network every few years. 

In addition, companies also consider outsourcing for cost-saving benefits since hiring an outsourcing firm to conduct one task may cost the same or less than hiring a few individuals to conduct the same work. 

What To Look For In An IT Outsourcing Firm

When choosing the right outsourcing firm, certain criteria should be considered. The three most important factors are availability, competency, and trust. Availability helps narrow down IT outsourcing firms because not all companies offer 24/7 support. It’s important to first determine how much availability you require from a firm. Do you need 24/7 support or more traditional hours during the weekdays? What about holidays or during emergencies? Does that company possess the competency needed to meet your IT outsourcing needs? These are some of the questions that might arise as you’re looking for the right firm.

However, everything about IT outsourcing starts and ends with trust, so choosing the right firm can sometimes be tricky to ensure the fit is just right. 

Contact PCS For Your IT Outsourcing Needs

PCS can help you determine what your outsourcing needs are and find the best IT firm suited for your organization. We have the expertise in this area to not only answer your questions but also to ensure you’re making the right IT outsourcing choices for both short-term and long-term services. Ready to get started? Click here to contact a team member today.